
Gene Cell Repository: A Comprehensive Gene/Cell Database.

What's This All About?

Our goal is to understand how genes and cells interact in a deeper, data-driven way. To do this, we created an database packed with information about genes, proteins, and cell activity.

  • Interconnected Data Insights: Each gene record links together gene expressions, disease connections, and more, all in one place.
  • Detailed Gene Analysis: Explore and filter genes under specific conditions, like T-cell activity, to understand their role in different biological processes.
  • Exploring Gene Pathways: Discover the pathways and networks genes are part of and how they relate to diseases or conditions.
  • Detailed Expression Profiles: Access comprehensive gene expression profiles across different cell types and organisms, offering insights into gene regulation and function.

The Genular Podcast: Genes, Cells, and Discoveries





Unique Cells


(stats on 13 March 2024)

Document Schema

const gene = {
    //  Unique NCBI Gene ID - gene2accession.GeneID 
    geneID: { type: Number, index: { unique: true } },
    // Taxonomy information
    tax: {
        id: { type: Number, index: true }, // Taxonomy ID - gene2accession.tax_id
        name: {
            name: { type: String }, // Taxonomy name - taxdump.names.dmp.name_txt
            unique: { type: String },
            type: { type: Number },
    updated: { type: Date, default: }, // Last update timestamp
    // Gene status (e.g., Predicted, Validated) - gene2accession.status
    geneStatus: { type: String },
    // Accession information
    accession: {
        rna: { type: String }, // NCBI RNA nucleotide accession number - gene2accession.RNA_nucleotide_accession.version
        protein: [{ type: String }], // Array of protein accession numbers - gene2accession.protein_accession.version
        gene: [{ type: String }], // Genomic nucleotide accession numbers - gene2accession.genomic_nucleotide_accession.version
        peptide: { type: String }, // NCBI peptide reference sequence - gene2accession.mature_peptide_accession.version
    // Data representing gene expression profiles across various cell types.
    // cellSignificanceIndex is an array of objects, each describing per-cell statistics
    cellSignificanceIndex: [
        i: { 
          type: String 
          // The cell identifier (e.g., "CL0000236"). 
          // Generally follows a standardized nomenclature or cell ontology ID.
        c: { 
          type: String 
          // Context or condition the cell is in (e.g., "overall", or some ontology-based condition).
        p: {
          type: Number
          // The adjusted p-value (pAdjVal) for this cell/gene expression comparison.
        d: {
          type: Number
          // The delta value (deltaVal), representing the expression difference or effect size.
        tp: {
          type: Number
          // Threshold for p (robust pAdjVal threshold) specific to this cell/context pairing.
        td: {
          type: Number
          // Threshold for d (robust deltaVal threshold) for this cell/context pairing.
        fcp: {
          type: Number
          // Fold-change ratio for the p-value relative to its threshold (pAdjVal / thresholdP).
        fcd: {
          type: Number
          // Fold-change ratio for the delta value (deltaVal / thresholdD).
        cs: {
          type: Number
          // A "Cell Significance Index Score" computed from pAdjVal and deltaVal 
          // (e.g., deltaVal * -log10(pAdjVal)) as an overall expression significance metric.
        e: {
          // Nested statistics about the expression data for this cell:
          mean:   { type: Number }, // Mean of raw expression values
          median: { type: Number }, // Median
          min:    { type: Number }, // Minimum
          max:    { type: Number }, // Maximum
          var:    { type: Number }, // Variance
          std:    { type: Number }, // Standard Deviation
          data:   { type: [Number] } 
          // Original expression values (array of numbers).
    // mRNA expression levels (Immune cell specificity)
    mRNAExpressions: {
        proteinAtlas: [
                l: { type: String }, // lineage
                c: { type: String }, // cell
                e: { type: Number }  // normalizedRNAExpression
    // Cross-reference to other databases
    crossReference: {
        // Identifiers in other databases (database:value) except: (HGNC:HGNC:1100) - gene_info.dbXrefs
        bulk: [
                dbName: { type: String },
                value: { type: String },
        enseGeneID: { type: String }, // ENSEMBL gene identifier - gene2ensembl.Ensembl_gene_identifier
        enseProtID: [{ type: String }], // ENSEMBL protein identifiers - gene2ensembl.Ensembl_protein_identifier
        enseRnaID: [{ type: String }], // ENSEMBL RNA identifiers - gene2ensembl.Ensembl_rna_identifier
        pubMed: [{ type: Number }], // PubMed references - gene2pubmed.PubMed
    // Genomic position information
    genePos: {
        start: { type: Number }, // Start position on genomic sequence - gene2accession.start_position_on_the_genomic_accession
        end: { type: Number }, // End position on genomic sequence - gene2accession.end_position_on_the_genomic_accession
    orientation: { type: String }, // Gene orientation ('+', '-', or '?') - gene2accession.orientation
    symbol: { type: String, index: true }, // Gene symbol, searchable - gene2accession.Symbol
    locTag: { type: String }, // Locus Tag - gene_info.LocusTag
    // Chromosome on which this gene is placed - gene_info.chromosome
    chrom: {
        pos: { type: Number },
        type: { type: String }, // Chromosome type (MT or NULL)
        loc: { type: String }, // Chromosome location
    desc: { type: String }, // Gene description - gene_info.description
    geneType: { type: Number }, // Gene type (e.g., Types: unknown (0), tRNA (1), rRNA (2), snRNA (3), scRNA (4), snoRNA (5), protein-coding (6), pseudo (7), transposon 8), miscRNA  (9), ncRNA (10), other (255)) - gene_info.type of gene
    // MIM (Mendelian Inheritance in Man) data
    mim: [
            id: { type: String, index: true }, // MIM Number (OMIM) - mim2gene_medgen.MIM number)
            relation: { type: String }, // MIM type (MIM relation)  (gene | phenotype) - mim2gene_medgen.type)
            cui: { type: Number }, // MedGenCUI - mim2gene_medgen.MedGenCUI)
    // Gene ontology data from GO and Reactome DBs
    ontology: [
            // (gene2go.GO ID or Reactome ID)
            // Ontology ID (GO:0005634, R-HSA-9033241)
            id: { type: String },

            // (gene2go.GO term or Reactome Pathway name)
            // Ontology Term (biological_process || N-terminal protein myristoylation)
            term: { type: String },

            // (gene2go.Category)
            // Ontology category (Function, Process, or Component)
            cat: { type: String },
            // (gene2go.PubMed) pipe-delimited set of PubMed uids reported as evidence for the association
            pubMed: [{ type: Number }],
    // Gene relationships
    geneRelations: [
            // Type of gene relation - gene_group.relationship
            // Ortholog, Potential readthrough sibling, Readthrough child, Readthrough parent, Readthrough sibling, Region member, Region parent, Related functional gene, Related pseudogene,
            relationType: { type: String },
            similarGenes: [{ type: String }], // Array of similar genes - gene_group.Other GeneID
    // Gene disorders  (requires omim license).
    geneDisorder: [
            name: { type: String }, // Disorder name - morbidmap.Disorder
            loc: { type: String } // Cytogenetic location - morbidmap.cytogenetic location
    // Protein data
    protein: [
            // GENULAR proteinID
            // = geneID + protein mass + protein length + crc32(sequence)
            proteinID: { type: Number, index: { unique: true } }, // , dropDups: true
            // Uniprot ID - Uniprot has multiple accessions!!
            // (uniprot_sprot.accession)
            accession: [{ type: String, index: true }],
            // Protein Name
            // (
            symbol: { type: String },
            // Protein full-descriptive name
            // (uniprot_sprot.protein.recommendedName.fullName)
            name: { type: String },
            // Protein IDs in other Databases
            databaseIDs: {
                pdbID: [{ type: String }], // Protein Structure ID (idmapping_selected.PDB)
                goID: [{ type: String }], // Protein GO ID (idmapping_selected.GO)
                unigeneID: { type: String }, // UniGene Protein Cluster (idmapping_selected.UniGene)
                interProID: [{ type: String }], // Protein InterPro ID (uniprot_???.InterPro)
                Pfam: [{ type: String }], // Protein family IDs
                PROSITE: [{ type: String }], // Protein domain IDs
                UniGene: { type: String }, // UniGene ID for protein cluster
                PDBsum: [{ type: String }], // Protein database summary IDs
                ProteinModelPortal: { type: String }, // Protein model IDs
                DIP: { type: String }, // Database of Interacting Proteins ID
                MINT: { type: String }, // Molecular INTeraction database ID
                STRING: { type: String }, // Protein-protein interaction IDs
                BindingDB: { type: String }, // Protein binding data IDs
                ChEMBL: { type: String }, // Chemical entities of biological interest IDs
                DEPOD: { type: String }, // Dephosphorylation database ID
                iPTMnet: { type: String }, // Integrated Post-Translational Modification Network ID
                PhosphoSite: { type: String }, // Protein phosphorylation site IDs
                SwissPalm: { type: String }, // Protein palmitoylation data IDs
                UniCarbKB: { type: String }, // Unified carbohydrate knowledgebase ID
                BioMuta: { type: String }, // Protein mutation data IDs
                DMDM: { type: String }, // Domain Mapping of Disease Mutations ID
                EPD: { type: String }, // Eukaryotic Promoter Database ID
                MaxQB: { type: String }, // MaxQuant Quantitative proteomics data ID
                PaxDb: { type: String }, // Protein abundance database ID
                PRIDE: { type: String }, // Proteomics Identifications Database ID
                GeneID: { type: String }, // NCBI Gene ID
                KEGG: { type: String }, // Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes ID
                CTD: { type: String }, // Comparative Toxicogenomics Database ID
                GeneCards: { type: String }, // GeneCards ID for human genes
                HPA: [{ type: String }], // Human Protein Atlas ID
                MalaCards: { type: String }, // Malacards ID for human diseases
                neXtProt: { type: String }, // NeXtProt ID for human proteins
                PharmGKB: { type: String }, // Pharmacogenomics Knowledgebase ID
                HOGENOM: { type: String }, // Homologous genes database ID
                HOVERGEN: { type: String }, // Homologous vertebrate genes database ID
                InParanoid: { type: String }, // Eukaryotic ortholog groups ID
                KO: { type: String }, // KEGG Orthology ID
                PhylomeDB: { type: String }, // Phylome database ID
                TreeFam: { type: String }, // TreeFam database ID
                SignaLink: { type: String }, // Signaling pathway database ID
                SIGNOR: { type: String }, // SIGNOR signaling network ID
                EvolutionaryTrace: { type: String }, // Evolutionary Trace Report Maker ID
                GeneWiki: { type: String }, // Gene Wiki ID for gene information
                GenomeRNAi: { type: String }, // GenomeRNAi database ID for RNAi data
                PRO: { type: String }, // Protein Ontology ID from PRO
                Proteomes: { type: String }, // UniProt Proteomes ID
                Bgee: { type: String }, // Database of gene expression evolution ID
                CleanEx: { type: String }, // Expression reference database ID
            // Citations DOI's array - (dbReference id="10.1104/pp.101.4.1413" type="DOI" />)
            citations: [
                    title: { type: String }, // Title of the citation
                    pubmedID: { type: String }, // PubMed ID associated with the citation
                    doi: { type: String }, // Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for the citation
                    scope: [{ type: String }], // Scope or context of the citation
            // RefSeq Protein Similarity Indices (idmapping_selected.RefSeq)
            refSeq: {
                // UniRef similarity indices for RefSeq proteins
                uniref: {
                    s50: { type: String }, // UniRef50 ID - represents cluster at 50% sequence similarity
                    s90: { type: String }, // UniRef90 ID - represents cluster at 90% sequence similarity
                    s100: { type: String }, // UniRef100 ID - represents cluster at 100% sequence similarity
            // Protein Family Information (Pfam ID, Source: UniProt)
            proteinFamily: {
                // PFAM ID for protein family classification (pdb_pfam_mapping.PFAM_ACC)
                accession: { type: String },
                // Name of the protein family (pdb_pfam_mapping.PFAM_Name)
                name: { type: String },
                // Description of the protein family (pdb_pfam_mapping.PFAM_desc)
                description: { type: String },
                // Value representing the protein family (pdb_pfam_mapping.eValue)
                value: { type: String },
            // Protein Motif Details from PROSITE Database
            proteinMotifs: [
                    // PROSITE internal ID for protein motifs (prosite.ID)
                    id: { type: String },
                    // Description of the protein motif pattern (prosite.DE)
                    description: { type: String },
                    // Protein motif sequence pattern (prosite.PA)
                    sequence: { type: String },
            // Protein Interaction Partners
            interactionPartners: [
                    // Partner's UniProt ID (Format: string_id.uniprot_id) from protein.links.protein2
                    partnerID: { type: String },

                    // Combined interaction score from protein.links.combined_score
                    score: { type: Number },
            // Protein Sequence Information
            sequence: {
                length: { type: Number }, // Length of the protein sequence
                mass: { type: Number }, // Molecular mass of the protein
                checksum: { type: String }, // Checksum for sequence verification
                modified: { type: Date }, // Date of last modification
                version: { type: Number }, // Version of the protein sequence
                sequence: { type: String }, // Amino acid sequence of the protein (uniprot_???.sprot/trembl)
            // Protein Existence Information
            existence: { type: Number }, // Protein existence type (e.g., predicted)
            // Protein Source Relevance
            relevance: { type: Number }, // Source of the protein data: trembl (2), sprot (1) (uniprot_???.sprot/trembl)
            // UniParc ID for Sequence Database
            uniParcID: { type: String }, // FASTA sequence database ID (idmapping_selected.UniParc) (e.g., UPI00003B0FD4)

API documentation & data access

Use API or download data directly:

  • Database dump: Download genes_and_helpers.tar.gz dump
    Once extracted it can be imported into local MongoDB instance using the following command:
    mongorestore --host --port 27017 --username root --password xxx --authenticationDatabase admin /path/mongobackup
  • API Interaction: Visit API
  • R Package: Use genular package for integration with R. Request API key here.