Details for: CL0000121
Cell ID: CL0000121
Cell Name: Purkinje cell
CSI Thresholds:
(Cell Significance Index is uniquely calculated using our advanced thresholding algorithms to reveal cell-specific gene markers.)Description: An inhibitory neuron and the sole output neuron of the cerebellar cortex, the Purkinje cell's soma is located between the granular and molecular layers of the cerebellum. It is one of the largest neural cells in the mammalian brain, ranging from 50 to 80 micrometres in diameter. Purkinje cells have planar, fan-shaped dendrites that branch extensively with little overlap. This cell type receives synaptic input from parallel fibres, which modulate high-frequency spike activity known as "simple spikes," and climbing fibres, which modulate infrequent calcium spike activity known as "complex spikes". Purkinje cells are involved in motor coordination, particularly in correcting movements in progress.
Synonyms: Purkinje neuron, cerebellar Purkinje cell, PC, PN