Details for: CL4030056
Cell ID: CL4030056
Cell Name: umbrella cell of urothelium
CSI Thresholds:
(Cell Significance Index is uniquely calculated using our advanced thresholding algorithms to reveal cell-specific gene markers.)Description: A urothelial cell that is terminally differentiated and part of the urothelial apical surface that forms the high-resistance barrier of urothelium. Umbrella cells have been described as the largest of urothelial cell types, highly polarized, and, in some species, multinucleated. In the relaxed state, these cells form a dome-shaped structure at the apical pole and can also cover multiple underlying intermediate cells, leading to the name umbrella cells. In contrast, these cells flatten when the bladder is filled.
Synonyms: facet cell of urothelium, superficial cell of urothelium