Details for: CL4033058

Cell ID: CL4033058

Cell Name: luminal hormone-sensing cell of mammary gland

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Description: A luminal epithelial cell of the mammary gland that transduces endocrine cues to orchestrate proliferation, architectural remodeling, and differentiation of other cells in the mammary gland via paracrine signaling. This cell expresses high levels of estrogen receptors. In humans, a luminal hormone-sensing cell can be identified by high levels of EpCAM and low levels of CD49f, and in mice it can be identified by low levels of CD29 and high levels of Foxa1, CD133, and Sca1 (Ly6a).

Synonyms: hormone sensing cell, hormone-sensing mammary epithelial cell, luminal hormone-responsive cell, luminal mature cell, ER-positive luminal hormone-sensor cell, HS, HS-MEC, LHS, LumHR