Details for: CEACAMP7

Gene ID: 1095

Symbol: CEACAMP7

Ensembl ID: ENSG00000227349

Description: CEA cell adhesion molecule pseudogene 7

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Other Information

**Key characteristics:** - The CEACAMP7 gene is a large gene with a complex structure. - It contains multiple domains, including a extracellular domain, a cytoplasmic domain, and a transmembrane domain. - The extracellular domain is responsible for binding to other proteins. - The cytoplasmic domain is involved in cell adhesion. - The transmembrane domain is responsible for mediating cell adhesion. **Pathways and functions:** - The CEACAMP7 gene is involved in cell adhesion. - It is expressed in neurons, which are cells that are responsible for sending signals to other cells. - The protein encoded by the CEACAMP7 gene is involved in the formation of cell contacts, which are essential for cell adhesion. - Mutations in the CEACAMP7 gene have been linked to autism spectrum disorder. **Clinical significance:** The CEACAMP7 gene is a potential risk factor for autism spectrum disorder. Studies have shown that people with autism have a higher risk of having mutations in this gene. The CEACAMP7 gene has also been studied as a potential therapeutic target for autism. There are currently no drugs that specifically target the CEACAMP7 gene, but research is ongoing to develop new treatments that could potentially cure autism.

Database document:

This is a preview of the gene's schema. Only a few entries are kept for 'singleCellExpressions,' 'mRNAExpressions,' and other large data arrays for visualization purposes. For the full schema, download it here.