Details for: CYP2D8P

Gene ID: 1568

Symbol: CYP2D8P

Ensembl ID: ENSG00000226450

Description: ccytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily D member 8, pseudogene

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Other Information

# Summary The CYP2D8P gene is a pseudogene, meaning it is a gene that is not expressed in the human genome. It is located on chromosome 17 and encodes a protein that is not known to be expressed. # Key characteristics * The CYP2D8P gene is a pseudogene, meaning it is not expressed in the human genome. * It is located on chromosome 17. * It encodes a protein that is not known to be expressed. # Pathways and functions The CYP2D8P gene is not involved in any known pathways or functions. # Clinical significance The CYP2D8P gene is not known to be clinically significant.

Database document:

This is a preview of the gene's schema. Only a few entries are kept for 'singleCellExpressions,' 'mRNAExpressions,' and other large data arrays for visualization purposes. For the full schema, download it here.