Details for: Ifnb1

Gene ID: 24481

Symbol: Ifnb1

Ensembl ID: ENSRNOG00000006268

Description: interferon beta 1

Associated with

  • Cytokine signaling in immune system
  • Immune system
  • Interferon alpha/beta signaling
  • Interferon signaling
  • Regulation of ifna/ifnb signaling
  • Adaptive immune response
  • B cell activation involved in immune response
  • B cell differentiation
  • B cell proliferation
  • Cellular response to dexamethasone stimulus
  • Cellular response to dsdna
  • Cellular response to dsrna
  • Cellular response to exogenous dsrna
  • Cellular response to interferon-beta
  • Cellular response to lipopolysaccharide
  • Cellular response to virus
  • Chloramphenicol o-acetyltransferase activity
  • Cytokine-mediated signaling pathway
  • Cytokine activity
  • Cytokine receptor binding
  • Defense response to bacterium
  • Defense response to virus
  • Endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response
  • Extracellular space
  • Humoral immune response
  • Innate immune response
  • Macrophage activation involved in immune response
  • Natural killer cell activation involved in immune response
  • Negative regulation of blood-brain barrier permeability
  • Negative regulation of cell adhesion molecule production
  • Negative regulation of cell population proliferation
  • Negative regulation of immunoglobulin production
  • Negative regulation of lewy body formation
  • Negative regulation of matrix metallopeptidase secretion
  • Negative regulation of mononuclear cell migration
  • Negative regulation of neuroinflammatory response
  • Negative regulation of osteoclast differentiation
  • Negative regulation of t-helper 2 cell cytokine production
  • Negative regulation of t cell differentiation
  • Negative regulation of type ii interferon production
  • Negative regulation of viral genome replication
  • Neuron cellular homeostasis
  • Positive regulation of apoptotic signaling pathway
  • Positive regulation of autophagy
  • Positive regulation of peptidyl-serine phosphorylation of stat protein
  • Positive regulation of transcription by rna polymerase ii
  • Positive regulation of transforming growth factor beta production
  • Receptor signaling pathway via jak-stat
  • Response to exogenous dsrna
  • T cell activation involved in immune response
  • Type i interferon-mediated signaling pathway
  • Type i interferon receptor binding

Other Information

Genular Protein ID: 2581038097

Symbol: IFNB_RAT

Name: Interferon beta

UniProtKB Accession Codes:

Database IDs:


PubMed ID: 9126338

Title: Isolation and expression of rat interferon beta gene and growth-inhibitory effect of its expression on rat glioma cells.

PubMed ID: 9126338

DOI: 10.1006/bbrc.1997.6359

PubMed ID: 16641100

Title: Quantitative phosphoproteomics of vasopressin-sensitive renal cells: regulation of aquaporin-2 phosphorylation at two sites.

PubMed ID: 16641100

DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0600895103

Sequence Information:

  • Length: 184
  • Mass: 22073
  • Checksum: 1D051D29F979ADDE
  • Sequence:

Database document:

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