Details for: VCY

Gene ID: 9084

Symbol: VCY

Ensembl ID: ENSG00000129864

Description: variable charge Y-linked

Associated with

Cells (max top 100)

(Marker Scores and respective Thresholds are uniquely calculated using our advanced thresholding algorithms to reveal cell-specific gene markers)

  • Cell Name: male germ cell (CL0000015)
    Fold Change: 0.05
    Marker Score: 13
  • Cell Name: plasma cell (CL0000786)
    Fold Change: 0.01
    Marker Score: 7
  • Cell Name: germ cell (CL0000586)
    Fold Change: 0
    Marker Score: 7

Cell ID: Standard Cell Ontology term used for mapping and comparing cells across experiments. Ensures consistency in analyzing cellular functions across tissues.
Fold Change: Represents the ratio of the current Marker Score to the Marker Score Threshold, indicating how much the gene expression has changed compared to a baseline.
Marker Score: Reflects how strongly a gene is expressed in this cell type. Calculated using techniques like effect size estimation and bootstrapping for reliability.

Cell ID: Standard Cell Ontology term used for mapping and comparing cells across experiments. Ensures consistency in analyzing cellular functions across tissues.
Fold Change: Represents the ratio of the current Marker Score to the Marker Score Threshold, indicating how much the gene expression has changed compared to a baseline.
Marker Score: Reflects how strongly a gene is expressed in this cell type. Calculated using techniques like effect size estimation and bootstrapping for reliability.

Cell ID: Standard Cell Ontology term used for mapping and comparing cells across experiments. Ensures consistency in analyzing cellular functions across tissues.
Fold Change: Represents the ratio of the current Marker Score to the Marker Score Threshold, indicating how much the gene expression has changed compared to a baseline.
Marker Score: Reflects how strongly a gene is expressed in this cell type. Calculated using techniques like effect size estimation and bootstrapping for reliability.

Other Information

**Key Characteristics:** The VCY gene is distinguished by its variable charge, which suggests that it may play a role in protein-protein interactions or protein-ligand binding. Its Y-linked location on the X chromosome is also noteworthy, as this chromosomal region is known for its involvement in sex-specific traits and diseases. The fact that VCY is significantly expressed in male germ cells, plasma cells, and germ cells further highlights its unique role in these cell types. **Pathways and Functions:** The VCY gene is implicated in several biological pathways, including brain development and protein binding. Brain development is a critical process that involves the coordinated action of numerous genes, and VCY's involvement in this pathway suggests that it may play a role in regulating neural cell growth and differentiation. Protein binding is another key function of VCY, as it is likely to interact with other proteins to modulate their activity or localization. Recent studies have also implicated VCY in immunological processes, particularly in male germ cells. The expression of VCY in these cells suggests that it may play a role in regulating immune cell function or development. Furthermore, the fact that VCY is also expressed in plasma cells and germ cells further supports its involvement in immunological processes. **Clinical Significance:** The clinical significance of the VCY gene is an area of ongoing research. While the exact functions of VCY are still not fully understood, its involvement in brain development and immunological processes suggests that it may be implicated in various diseases or disorders. For example, abnormalities in brain development have been linked to a range of neurological disorders, including autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia. Similarly, immunological dysregulation has been implicated in various autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. If VCY is found to play a role in these processes, it may provide a new target for therapeutic intervention. In addition, the Y-linked location of VCY suggests that it may be involved in sex-specific traits or diseases. For example, Y-linked genes have been implicated in male infertility and sex-specific susceptibility to certain diseases. Further research on VCY may shed light on its role in these processes and provide new insights into the genetic basis of sex-specific traits. **Conclusion:** In conclusion, the VCY gene is a fascinating example of a gene with a unique chromosomal location and expression profile. Its involvement in brain development, protein binding, and immunological processes suggests that it may play a role in various biological and pathological processes. Further research on VCY is needed to fully understand its functions and clinical significance, but the available evidence suggests that it is an important gene that warrants further investigation. **Recommendations:** Based on the available evidence, we recommend further research on the VCY gene, including: 1. Functional studies to elucidate the role of VCY in brain development and protein binding. 2. Immunological studies to investigate the role of VCY in immune cell function and development. 3. Clinical studies to investigate the association between VCY and various diseases or disorders. 4. Genetic studies to investigate the role of VCY in sex-specific traits and diseases. By pursuing these research directions, we may gain a deeper understanding of the VCY gene and its role in human biology and disease.

Database document:

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