Details for: FPGS

Gene ID: 2356

Symbol: FPGS

Ensembl ID: ENSG00000136877

Description: folylpolyglutamate synthase

Associated with

Cells (max top 100)

(Cell Significance Index and respective Thresholds are uniquely calculated using our advanced thresholding algorithms to reveal cell-specific gene markers)

  • Cell Name: polychromatophilic erythroblast (CL0000550)
    Fold Change: 119.0650
    Cell Significance Index: -18.5200
  • Cell Name: hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell (CL0002032)
    Fold Change: 68.6003
    Cell Significance Index: -17.4000
  • Cell Name: mucosal type mast cell (CL0000485)
    Fold Change: 49.6484
    Cell Significance Index: -20.1700
  • Cell Name: smooth muscle fiber of ileum (CL1000278)
    Fold Change: 47.8901
    Cell Significance Index: -22.6100
  • Cell Name: peripheral blood mononuclear cell (CL2000001)
    Fold Change: 43.7027
    Cell Significance Index: -22.4800
  • Cell Name: ciliated cell of the bronchus (CL0002332)
    Fold Change: 21.1994
    Cell Significance Index: -20.2400
  • Cell Name: orthochromatic erythroblast (CL0000552)
    Fold Change: 17.0809
    Cell Significance Index: -21.0600
  • Cell Name: CD8-alpha-beta-positive, alpha-beta intraepithelial T cell (CL0000796)
    Fold Change: 7.2736
    Cell Significance Index: -19.4900
  • Cell Name: stromal cell of bone marrow (CL0010001)
    Fold Change: 5.5042
    Cell Significance Index: -21.7200
  • Cell Name: early pro-B cell (CL0002046)
    Fold Change: 1.5656
    Cell Significance Index: 101.0100
  • Cell Name: microfold cell of epithelium of small intestine (CL1000353)
    Fold Change: 1.4548
    Cell Significance Index: 100.6100
  • Cell Name: conjunctival epithelial cell (CL1000432)
    Fold Change: 1.0195
    Cell Significance Index: 13.9100
  • Cell Name: tuft cell of colon (CL0009041)
    Fold Change: 0.9755
    Cell Significance Index: 880.7900
  • Cell Name: intestinal crypt stem cell of colon (CL0009043)
    Fold Change: 0.8153
    Cell Significance Index: 88.6900
  • Cell Name: epithelial cell of small intestine (CL0002254)
    Fold Change: 0.7063
    Cell Significance Index: 114.8700
  • Cell Name: tonsil germinal center B cell (CL2000006)
    Fold Change: 0.6095
    Cell Significance Index: 71.8800
  • Cell Name: CD4-positive, alpha-beta memory T cell, CD45RO-positive (CL0001204)
    Fold Change: 0.5693
    Cell Significance Index: 16.7200
  • Cell Name: basal cell of prostate epithelium (CL0002341)
    Fold Change: 0.5129
    Cell Significance Index: 13.9600
  • Cell Name: enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine (CL1000334)
    Fold Change: 0.5043
    Cell Significance Index: 14.5300
  • Cell Name: bladder urothelial cell (CL1001428)
    Fold Change: 0.4727
    Cell Significance Index: 24.5600
  • Cell Name: neoplastic cell (CL0001063)
    Fold Change: 0.4699
    Cell Significance Index: 93.2600
  • Cell Name: stromal cell of ovary (CL0002132)
    Fold Change: 0.4628
    Cell Significance Index: 63.5600
  • Cell Name: basal epithelial cell of tracheobronchial tree (CL0002329)
    Fold Change: 0.4272
    Cell Significance Index: 11.9400
  • Cell Name: L2/3-6 intratelencephalic projecting glutamatergic neuron (CL4023040)
    Fold Change: 0.4014
    Cell Significance Index: 80.5300
  • Cell Name: intermediate cell of urothelium (CL4030055)
    Fold Change: 0.3959
    Cell Significance Index: 71.3600
  • Cell Name: cortical cell of adrenal gland (CL0002097)
    Fold Change: 0.3764
    Cell Significance Index: 10.0900
  • Cell Name: enteroendocrine cell of colon (CL0009042)
    Fold Change: 0.3196
    Cell Significance Index: 60.8200
  • Cell Name: cardiac muscle myoblast (CL0000513)
    Fold Change: 0.3138
    Cell Significance Index: 24.0800
  • Cell Name: basal cell of urothelium (CL1000486)
    Fold Change: 0.2933
    Cell Significance Index: 36.0700
  • Cell Name: paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine (CL1000343)
    Fold Change: 0.2862
    Cell Significance Index: 6.2000
  • Cell Name: cell in vitro (CL0001034)
    Fold Change: 0.2579
    Cell Significance Index: 140.8300
  • Cell Name: enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine (CL0002071)
    Fold Change: 0.2400
    Cell Significance Index: 10.8800
  • Cell Name: obsolete caudal ganglionic eminence derived GABAergic cortical interneuron (CL4023070)
    Fold Change: 0.2241
    Cell Significance Index: 80.3800
  • Cell Name: skeletal muscle myoblast (CL0000515)
    Fold Change: 0.2208
    Cell Significance Index: 2.4000
  • Cell Name: colon goblet cell (CL0009039)
    Fold Change: 0.2153
    Cell Significance Index: 21.3000
  • Cell Name: pigmented ciliary epithelial cell (CL0002303)
    Fold Change: 0.2097
    Cell Significance Index: 30.4900
  • Cell Name: luminal adaptive secretory precursor cell of mammary gland (CL4033057)
    Fold Change: 0.1947
    Cell Significance Index: 9.1500
  • Cell Name: acinar cell of salivary gland (CL0002623)
    Fold Change: 0.1830
    Cell Significance Index: 8.5300
  • Cell Name: hair follicular keratinocyte (CL2000092)
    Fold Change: 0.1524
    Cell Significance Index: 67.3900
  • Cell Name: GABAergic interneuron (CL0011005)
    Fold Change: 0.1487
    Cell Significance Index: 102.8800
  • Cell Name: progenitor cell of mammary luminal epithelium (CL0009116)
    Fold Change: 0.1350
    Cell Significance Index: 10.0600
  • Cell Name: odontoblast (CL0000060)
    Fold Change: 0.1210
    Cell Significance Index: 15.5100
  • Cell Name: lactocyte (CL0002325)
    Fold Change: 0.0934
    Cell Significance Index: 12.0700
  • Cell Name: sebum secreting cell (CL0000317)
    Fold Change: 0.0909
    Cell Significance Index: 6.4300
  • Cell Name: retinal progenitor cell (CL0002672)
    Fold Change: 0.0634
    Cell Significance Index: 3.5600
  • Cell Name: intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine (CL0009017)
    Fold Change: 0.0362
    Cell Significance Index: 0.7700
  • Cell Name: pancreatic acinar cell (CL0002064)
    Fold Change: 0.0338
    Cell Significance Index: 5.7700
  • Cell Name: small intestine goblet cell (CL1000495)
    Fold Change: 0.0231
    Cell Significance Index: 0.8100
  • Cell Name: granulosa cell (CL0000501)
    Fold Change: 0.0228
    Cell Significance Index: 0.6000
  • Cell Name: lens epithelial cell (CL0002224)
    Fold Change: 0.0179
    Cell Significance Index: 27.6200
  • Cell Name: anterior lens cell (CL0002223)
    Fold Change: 0.0177
    Cell Significance Index: 32.7100
  • Cell Name: transit amplifying cell of colon (CL0009011)
    Fold Change: 0.0169
    Cell Significance Index: 0.5400
  • Cell Name: pigmented epithelial cell (CL0000529)
    Fold Change: 0.0155
    Cell Significance Index: 29.1200
  • Cell Name: pulmonary alveolar epithelial cell (CL0000322)
    Fold Change: 0.0092
    Cell Significance Index: 6.9500
  • Cell Name: non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cell (CL0002304)
    Fold Change: 0.0041
    Cell Significance Index: 2.6100
  • Cell Name: secondary lens fiber (CL0002225)
    Fold Change: 0.0034
    Cell Significance Index: 4.6900
  • Cell Name: kidney loop of Henle cortical thick ascending limb epithelial cell (CL1001109)
    Fold Change: -0.0200
    Cell Significance Index: -14.6800
  • Cell Name: ciliary muscle cell (CL1000443)
    Fold Change: -0.0205
    Cell Significance Index: -9.3000
  • Cell Name: abnormal cell (CL0001061)
    Fold Change: -0.0226
    Cell Significance Index: -2.3100
  • Cell Name: pancreatic A cell (CL0000171)
    Fold Change: -0.0251
    Cell Significance Index: -18.5900
  • Cell Name: type B pancreatic cell (CL0000169)
    Fold Change: -0.0361
    Cell Significance Index: -20.3800
  • Cell Name: pancreatic PP cell (CL0002275)
    Fold Change: -0.0397
    Cell Significance Index: -24.7800
  • Cell Name: pro-T cell (CL0000827)
    Fold Change: -0.0399
    Cell Significance Index: -1.0200
  • Cell Name: placental villous trophoblast (CL2000060)
    Fold Change: -0.0588
    Cell Significance Index: -1.5700
  • Cell Name: dopaminergic neuron (CL0000700)
    Fold Change: -0.0643
    Cell Significance Index: -18.5000
  • Cell Name: transit amplifying cell of small intestine (CL0009012)
    Fold Change: -0.0776
    Cell Significance Index: -1.6100
  • Cell Name: mesenchymal cell (CL0008019)
    Fold Change: -0.0810
    Cell Significance Index: -1.3600
  • Cell Name: mesonephric nephron tubule epithelial cell (CL1000022)
    Fold Change: -0.0824
    Cell Significance Index: -2.8700
  • Cell Name: fibroblast of dermis (CL0002551)
    Fold Change: -0.0898
    Cell Significance Index: -1.8800
  • Cell Name: pancreatic D cell (CL0000173)
    Fold Change: -0.1131
    Cell Significance Index: -23.8200
  • Cell Name: epithelial cell of stomach (CL0002178)
    Fold Change: -0.1164
    Cell Significance Index: -13.5700
  • Cell Name: forebrain neuroblast (CL1000042)
    Fold Change: -0.1233
    Cell Significance Index: -7.5800
  • Cell Name: cerebellar granule cell (CL0001031)
    Fold Change: -0.1278
    Cell Significance Index: -2.1900
  • Cell Name: pancreatic ductal cell (CL0002079)
    Fold Change: -0.1284
    Cell Significance Index: -14.7100
  • Cell Name: hippocampal granule cell (CL0001033)
    Fold Change: -0.1341
    Cell Significance Index: -9.0200
  • Cell Name: interstitial cell of ovary (CL0002094)
    Fold Change: -0.1437
    Cell Significance Index: -1.8400
  • Cell Name: preadipocyte (CL0002334)
    Fold Change: -0.1471
    Cell Significance Index: -2.8700
  • Cell Name: centrilobular region hepatocyte (CL0019029)
    Fold Change: -0.1739
    Cell Significance Index: -2.9300
  • Cell Name: fibroblast of mammary gland (CL0002555)
    Fold Change: -0.1831
    Cell Significance Index: -5.2500
  • Cell Name: eye photoreceptor cell (CL0000287)
    Fold Change: -0.1885
    Cell Significance Index: -11.8800
  • Cell Name: smooth muscle cell of sphincter of pupil (CL0002243)
    Fold Change: -0.1890
    Cell Significance Index: -19.6800
  • Cell Name: peg cell (CL4033014)
    Fold Change: -0.1969
    Cell Significance Index: -4.5500
  • Cell Name: neutrophil progenitor cell (CL0000834)
    Fold Change: -0.2133
    Cell Significance Index: -5.7100
  • Cell Name: kidney loop of Henle descending limb epithelial cell (CL1001021)
    Fold Change: -0.2586
    Cell Significance Index: -20.4800
  • Cell Name: Purkinje cell (CL0000121)
    Fold Change: -0.2692
    Cell Significance Index: -5.9000
  • Cell Name: periportal region hepatocyte (CL0019026)
    Fold Change: -0.2852
    Cell Significance Index: -4.2100
  • Cell Name: lung endothelial cell (CL1001567)
    Fold Change: -0.2885
    Cell Significance Index: -15.0300
  • Cell Name: cardiac muscle cell (CL0000746)
    Fold Change: -0.3217
    Cell Significance Index: -4.7500
  • Cell Name: intestinal tuft cell (CL0019032)
    Fold Change: -0.3219
    Cell Significance Index: -19.7400
  • Cell Name: indirect pathway medium spiny neuron (CL4023029)
    Fold Change: -0.3309
    Cell Significance Index: -14.6400
  • Cell Name: glycinergic neuron (CL1001509)
    Fold Change: -0.3394
    Cell Significance Index: -17.8200
  • Cell Name: skeletal muscle fibroblast (CL0011027)
    Fold Change: -0.3409
    Cell Significance Index: -2.3100
  • Cell Name: direct pathway medium spiny neuron (CL4023026)
    Fold Change: -0.3478
    Cell Significance Index: -13.1700
  • Cell Name: skeletal muscle fiber (CL0008002)
    Fold Change: -0.3575
    Cell Significance Index: -9.1900
  • Cell Name: paneth cell of colon (CL0009009)
    Fold Change: -0.3924
    Cell Significance Index: -5.8800
  • Cell Name: fibro/adipogenic progenitor cell (CL0009099)
    Fold Change: -0.4097
    Cell Significance Index: -20.7000
  • Cell Name: CD14-positive, CD16-negative classical monocyte (CL0002057)
    Fold Change: -0.4499
    Cell Significance Index: -8.3200
  • Cell Name: endothelial cell of placenta (CL0009092)
    Fold Change: -0.4601
    Cell Significance Index: -2.7800
  • Cell Name: corticothalamic-projecting glutamatergic cortical neuron (CL4023013)
    Fold Change: -0.4754
    Cell Significance Index: -15.1400
  • Cell Name: L5 extratelencephalic projecting glutamatergic cortical neuron (CL4023041)
    Fold Change: -0.4901
    Cell Significance Index: -17.1700

Cell ID: Standard Cell Ontology term used for mapping and comparing cells across experiments. Ensures consistency in analyzing cellular functions across tissues.
Fold Change: Represents the ratio of the current Cell Significance Index to the Cell Significance Index Threshold, indicating how much the gene expression has changed compared to a baseline.
Cell Significance Index: Reflects how strongly a gene is expressed in this specific cell.

Cell ID: Standard Cell Ontology term used for mapping and comparing cells across experiments. Ensures consistency in analyzing cellular functions across tissues.
Fold Change: Represents the ratio of the current Cell Significance Index to the Cell Significance Index Threshold, indicating how much the gene expression has changed compared to a baseline.
Cell Significance Index: Reflects how strongly a gene is expressed in this cell type. Calculated using techniques like effect size estimation and bootstrapping for reliability.

Cell ID: Standard Cell Ontology term used for mapping and comparing cells across experiments. Ensures consistency in analyzing cellular functions across tissues.
Fold Change: Represents the ratio of the current Cell Significance Index to the Cell Significance Index Threshold, indicating how much the gene expression has changed compared to a baseline.
Cell Significance Index: Reflects how strongly a gene is expressed in this cell type. Calculated using techniques like effect size estimation and bootstrapping for reliability.

Other Information

**Key Characteristics:** FPGS is a mitochondrial enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of tetrahydrofolylpolyglutamates, which are polyglutamated forms of folate. This enzyme plays a pivotal role in the one-carbon metabolic pathway, which is responsible for the transfer of one-carbon units between molecules. FPGS is highly expressed in various cell types, including hematopoietic stem cells, cardiac muscle myoblasts, and germ cells. Its expression is also observed in other tissues, such as the liver, where it is involved in the metabolism of folate and pterines. **Pathways and Functions:** FPGS is integral to several metabolic pathways, including: 1. **One-carbon metabolic pathway:** FPGS is responsible for the synthesis of tetrahydrofolylpolyglutamates, which are essential for the transfer of one-carbon units between molecules. This pathway is crucial for DNA synthesis, repair, and methylation. 2. **Folate metabolism:** FPGS is involved in the metabolism of folate, which is a vital cofactor for various enzymatic reactions, including methylation and synthesis of nucleic acids. 3. **Amino acid metabolism:** FPGS is also involved in the metabolism of amino acids, such as glutamate, which is a precursor for the synthesis of glutamine and other amino acids. 4. **Cellular regeneration:** FPGS is expressed in cells involved in cellular regeneration, such as cardiac muscle myoblasts and hematopoietic stem cells. Its expression is also observed in germ cells, where it is involved in the synthesis of nucleic acids. **Clinical Significance:** Dysregulation of FPGS has been implicated in various diseases, including: 1. **Neurological disorders:** Mutations in the FPGS gene have been associated with neurological disorders, such as epilepsy and schizophrenia. 2. **Cancer:** FPGS has been shown to play a role in cancer development and progression, particularly in the metabolism of folate and one-carbon units. 3. **Birth defects:** FPGS has been implicated in the development of birth defects, such as neural tube defects, which are caused by folate deficiency. 4. **Aging and age-related diseases:** FPGS has been shown to play a role in the aging process and the development of age-related diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. In conclusion, FPGS is a crucial enzyme involved in one-carbon metabolism and cellular regeneration. Its dysregulation has been implicated in various diseases, highlighting the importance of understanding its role in human health and disease. Further research is needed to elucidate the mechanisms by which FPGS contributes to disease development and to explore its potential as a therapeutic target.

Genular Protein ID: 1266369572


Name: Folylpolyglutamate synthase, mitochondrial

UniProtKB Accession Codes:

Database IDs:


PubMed ID: 14702039

Title: Complete sequencing and characterization of 21,243 full-length human cDNAs.

PubMed ID: 14702039

DOI: 10.1038/ng1285

PubMed ID: 15164053

Title: DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 9.

PubMed ID: 15164053

DOI: 10.1038/nature02465

PubMed ID: 15489334

Title: The status, quality, and expansion of the NIH full-length cDNA project: the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC).

PubMed ID: 15489334

DOI: 10.1101/gr.2596504

PubMed ID: 8662720

Title: Purification and properties of human cytosolic folylpoly-gamma-glutamate synthetase and organization, localization, and differential splicing of its gene.

PubMed ID: 8662720

DOI: 10.1074/jbc.271.22.13077

PubMed ID: 7721888

Title: Upstream organization of and multiple transcripts from the human folylpoly-gamma-glutamate synthetase gene.

PubMed ID: 7721888

DOI: 10.1074/jbc.270.16.9579

PubMed ID: 1409616

Title: Expression cloning of a human cDNA encoding folylpoly(gamma-glutamate) synthetase and determination of its primary structure.

PubMed ID: 1409616

DOI: 10.1073/pnas.89.19.9151

PubMed ID: 8521387

Title: Structural organization of the human folypoly-gamma-glutamate synthetase gene: evidence for a single genomic locus.

PubMed ID: 8521387

PubMed ID: 8408018

Title: Regulation of folate and one-carbon metabolism in mammalian cells. I. Folate metabolism in Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing Escherichia coli or human folylpoly-gamma-glutamate synthetase activity.

PubMed ID: 8408018

DOI: 10.1016/s0021-9258(20)80592-4

PubMed ID: 8408019

Title: Regulation of folate and one-carbon metabolism in mammalian cells. II. Effect of folylpoly-gamma-glutamate synthetase substrate specificity and level on folate metabolism and folylpoly-gamma-glutamate specificity of metabolic cycles of one-carbon metabolism.

PubMed ID: 8408019

DOI: 10.1016/s0021-9258(20)80593-6

PubMed ID: 8408020

Title: Regulation of folate and one-carbon metabolism in mammalian cells. III. Role of mitochondrial folylpoly-gamma-glutamate synthetase.

PubMed ID: 8408020

DOI: 10.1016/s0021-9258(20)80594-8

PubMed ID: 8408021

Title: Regulation of folate and one-carbon metabolism in mammalian cells. IV. Role of folylpoly-gamma-glutamate synthetase in methotrexate metabolism and cytotoxicity.

PubMed ID: 8408021

DOI: 10.1016/s0021-9258(20)80595-x

PubMed ID: 16169100

Title: Submitochondrial localization of the mitochondrial isoform of folylpolyglutamate synthetase in CCRF-CEM human T-lymphoblastic leukemia cells.

PubMed ID: 16169100

DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamcr.2005.08.004

PubMed ID: 17875718

Title: Identification and characterization of genetic variation in the folylpolyglutamate synthase gene.

PubMed ID: 17875718

DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.can-07-0156

PubMed ID: 18672898

Title: Concentration-dependent processivity of multiple glutamate ligations catalyzed by folylpoly-gamma-glutamate synthetase.

PubMed ID: 18672898

DOI: 10.1021/bi800406w

PubMed ID: 22814378

Title: N-terminal acetylome analyses and functional insights of the N-terminal acetyltransferase NatB.

PubMed ID: 22814378

DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1210303109

PubMed ID: 23186163

Title: Toward a comprehensive characterization of a human cancer cell phosphoproteome.

PubMed ID: 23186163

DOI: 10.1021/pr300630k

Sequence Information:

  • Length: 587
  • Mass: 64609
  • Checksum: 5AF81409F5F77E5C
  • Sequence:

Database document:

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