Details for: H2BC21

Gene ID: 8349

Symbol: H2BC21

Ensembl ID: ENSG00000184678

Description: H2B clustered histone 21

Associated with

Cells (max top 100)

(Cell Significance Index and respective Thresholds are uniquely calculated using our advanced thresholding algorithms to reveal cell-specific gene markers)

  • Cell Name: polychromatophilic erythroblast (CL0000550)
    Fold Change: 93.6062
    Cell Significance Index: -14.5600
  • Cell Name: hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell (CL0002032)
    Fold Change: 45.6547
    Cell Significance Index: -11.5800
  • Cell Name: embryonic stem cell (CL0002322)
    Fold Change: 35.5142
    Cell Significance Index: -14.6300
  • Cell Name: peripheral blood mononuclear cell (CL2000001)
    Fold Change: 29.2485
    Cell Significance Index: -15.0500
  • Cell Name: orthochromatic erythroblast (CL0000552)
    Fold Change: 12.5146
    Cell Significance Index: -15.4300
  • Cell Name: sebaceous gland cell (CL2000021)
    Fold Change: 8.1465
    Cell Significance Index: 10.5400
  • Cell Name: stromal cell of bone marrow (CL0010001)
    Fold Change: 3.9559
    Cell Significance Index: -15.6100
  • Cell Name: CD8-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell (CL0000795)
    Fold Change: 3.8125
    Cell Significance Index: -11.7100
  • Cell Name: kidney cell (CL1000497)
    Fold Change: 2.7817
    Cell Significance Index: 22.2100
  • Cell Name: epithelial cell of prostate (CL0002231)
    Fold Change: 1.7570
    Cell Significance Index: 10.8400
  • Cell Name: glycinergic neuron (CL1001509)
    Fold Change: 1.3557
    Cell Significance Index: 71.1800
  • Cell Name: thyroid follicular cell (CL0002258)
    Fold Change: 1.2885
    Cell Significance Index: 13.6900
  • Cell Name: early pro-B cell (CL0002046)
    Fold Change: 1.2561
    Cell Significance Index: 81.0400
  • Cell Name: luminal cell of prostate epithelium (CL0002340)
    Fold Change: 1.2060
    Cell Significance Index: 12.4800
  • Cell Name: cone retinal bipolar cell (CL0000752)
    Fold Change: 1.0898
    Cell Significance Index: 8.4000
  • Cell Name: basal cell of prostate epithelium (CL0002341)
    Fold Change: 1.0011
    Cell Significance Index: 27.2500
  • Cell Name: fibroblast of dermis (CL0002551)
    Fold Change: 0.9732
    Cell Significance Index: 20.3700
  • Cell Name: basal epithelial cell of prostatic duct (CL0002236)
    Fold Change: 0.9688
    Cell Significance Index: 8.6000
  • Cell Name: basal epithelial cell of tracheobronchial tree (CL0002329)
    Fold Change: 0.9289
    Cell Significance Index: 25.9600
  • Cell Name: eye photoreceptor cell (CL0000287)
    Fold Change: 0.8407
    Cell Significance Index: 52.9900
  • Cell Name: colon goblet cell (CL0009039)
    Fold Change: 0.7266
    Cell Significance Index: 71.8800
  • Cell Name: retinal rod cell (CL0000604)
    Fold Change: 0.6761
    Cell Significance Index: 8.0600
  • Cell Name: lactocyte (CL0002325)
    Fold Change: 0.6591
    Cell Significance Index: 85.1500
  • Cell Name: intestinal crypt stem cell of colon (CL0009043)
    Fold Change: 0.6445
    Cell Significance Index: 70.1100
  • Cell Name: epithelial cell of small intestine (CL0002254)
    Fold Change: 0.6187
    Cell Significance Index: 100.6300
  • Cell Name: bladder urothelial cell (CL1001428)
    Fold Change: 0.6182
    Cell Significance Index: 32.1200
  • Cell Name: enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine (CL1000334)
    Fold Change: 0.5498
    Cell Significance Index: 15.8400
  • Cell Name: gut absorptive cell (CL0000677)
    Fold Change: 0.4857
    Cell Significance Index: 29.1600
  • Cell Name: mesonephric nephron tubule epithelial cell (CL1000022)
    Fold Change: 0.4837
    Cell Significance Index: 16.8100
  • Cell Name: enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine (CL0002071)
    Fold Change: 0.4635
    Cell Significance Index: 21.0100
  • Cell Name: OFF-bipolar cell (CL0000750)
    Fold Change: 0.3939
    Cell Significance Index: 3.4700
  • Cell Name: microfold cell of epithelium of small intestine (CL1000353)
    Fold Change: 0.3597
    Cell Significance Index: 24.8800
  • Cell Name: enteroendocrine cell of colon (CL0009042)
    Fold Change: 0.3332
    Cell Significance Index: 63.4100
  • Cell Name: intermediate cell of urothelium (CL4030055)
    Fold Change: 0.2897
    Cell Significance Index: 52.2200
  • Cell Name: paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine (CL1000343)
    Fold Change: 0.1966
    Cell Significance Index: 4.2600
  • Cell Name: odontoblast (CL0000060)
    Fold Change: 0.1927
    Cell Significance Index: 24.7000
  • Cell Name: paneth cell of colon (CL0009009)
    Fold Change: 0.1902
    Cell Significance Index: 2.8500
  • Cell Name: pancreatic ductal cell (CL0002079)
    Fold Change: 0.1873
    Cell Significance Index: 21.4600
  • Cell Name: basal cell of urothelium (CL1000486)
    Fold Change: 0.1868
    Cell Significance Index: 22.9700
  • Cell Name: progenitor cell of mammary luminal epithelium (CL0009116)
    Fold Change: 0.1746
    Cell Significance Index: 13.0100
  • Cell Name: luminal adaptive secretory precursor cell of mammary gland (CL4033057)
    Fold Change: 0.1667
    Cell Significance Index: 7.8400
  • Cell Name: cell in vitro (CL0001034)
    Fold Change: 0.1449
    Cell Significance Index: 79.1600
  • Cell Name: stromal cell of ovary (CL0002132)
    Fold Change: 0.0883
    Cell Significance Index: 12.1200
  • Cell Name: hair follicular keratinocyte (CL2000092)
    Fold Change: 0.0794
    Cell Significance Index: 35.0900
  • Cell Name: skeletal muscle myoblast (CL0000515)
    Fold Change: 0.0644
    Cell Significance Index: 0.7000
  • Cell Name: acinar cell of salivary gland (CL0002623)
    Fold Change: 0.0438
    Cell Significance Index: 2.0400
  • Cell Name: cardiac muscle myoblast (CL0000513)
    Fold Change: 0.0388
    Cell Significance Index: 2.9800
  • Cell Name: enteric neuron (CL0007011)
    Fold Change: 0.0345
    Cell Significance Index: 0.2500
  • Cell Name: BEST4+ enteroycte (CL4030026)
    Fold Change: 0.0305
    Cell Significance Index: 0.4600
  • Cell Name: transit amplifying cell of small intestine (CL0009012)
    Fold Change: 0.0294
    Cell Significance Index: 0.6100
  • Cell Name: neutrophil progenitor cell (CL0000834)
    Fold Change: 0.0249
    Cell Significance Index: 0.6700
  • Cell Name: pancreatic acinar cell (CL0002064)
    Fold Change: 0.0090
    Cell Significance Index: 1.5300
  • Cell Name: transit amplifying cell of colon (CL0009011)
    Fold Change: 0.0062
    Cell Significance Index: 0.2000
  • Cell Name: granulosa cell (CL0000501)
    Fold Change: 0.0019
    Cell Significance Index: 0.0500
  • Cell Name: pulmonary alveolar epithelial cell (CL0000322)
    Fold Change: 0.0017
    Cell Significance Index: 1.2700
  • Cell Name: neoplastic cell (CL0001063)
    Fold Change: -0.0026
    Cell Significance Index: -0.5100
  • Cell Name: pancreatic A cell (CL0000171)
    Fold Change: -0.0052
    Cell Significance Index: -3.8200
  • Cell Name: pigmented epithelial cell (CL0000529)
    Fold Change: -0.0071
    Cell Significance Index: -13.2800
  • Cell Name: fibro/adipogenic progenitor cell (CL0009099)
    Fold Change: -0.0079
    Cell Significance Index: -0.4000
  • Cell Name: placental villous trophoblast (CL2000060)
    Fold Change: -0.0097
    Cell Significance Index: -0.2600
  • Cell Name: secondary lens fiber (CL0002225)
    Fold Change: -0.0103
    Cell Significance Index: -14.0400
  • Cell Name: anterior lens cell (CL0002223)
    Fold Change: -0.0104
    Cell Significance Index: -19.1400
  • Cell Name: lens epithelial cell (CL0002224)
    Fold Change: -0.0120
    Cell Significance Index: -18.5000
  • Cell Name: kidney loop of Henle cortical thick ascending limb epithelial cell (CL1001109)
    Fold Change: -0.0127
    Cell Significance Index: -9.3400
  • Cell Name: obsolete caudal ganglionic eminence derived GABAergic cortical interneuron (CL4023070)
    Fold Change: -0.0142
    Cell Significance Index: -5.1100
  • Cell Name: neuron associated cell (CL0000095)
    Fold Change: -0.0142
    Cell Significance Index: -0.5800
  • Cell Name: non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cell (CL0002304)
    Fold Change: -0.0155
    Cell Significance Index: -9.8400
  • Cell Name: type B pancreatic cell (CL0000169)
    Fold Change: -0.0171
    Cell Significance Index: -9.6400
  • Cell Name: mesenchymal cell (CL0008019)
    Fold Change: -0.0173
    Cell Significance Index: -0.2900
  • Cell Name: ciliary muscle cell (CL1000443)
    Fold Change: -0.0242
    Cell Significance Index: -11.0000
  • Cell Name: intestinal crypt stem cell of small intestine (CL0009017)
    Fold Change: -0.0249
    Cell Significance Index: -0.5300
  • Cell Name: abnormal cell (CL0001061)
    Fold Change: -0.0303
    Cell Significance Index: -3.1000
  • Cell Name: pancreatic PP cell (CL0002275)
    Fold Change: -0.0304
    Cell Significance Index: -19.0000
  • Cell Name: L2/3-6 intratelencephalic projecting glutamatergic neuron (CL4023040)
    Fold Change: -0.0403
    Cell Significance Index: -8.0900
  • Cell Name: tonsil germinal center B cell (CL2000006)
    Fold Change: -0.0431
    Cell Significance Index: -5.0800
  • Cell Name: sebum secreting cell (CL0000317)
    Fold Change: -0.0554
    Cell Significance Index: -3.9200
  • Cell Name: pigmented ciliary epithelial cell (CL0002303)
    Fold Change: -0.0699
    Cell Significance Index: -10.1700
  • Cell Name: pancreatic D cell (CL0000173)
    Fold Change: -0.0747
    Cell Significance Index: -15.7300
  • Cell Name: conjunctival epithelial cell (CL1000432)
    Fold Change: -0.0799
    Cell Significance Index: -1.0900
  • Cell Name: ON-bipolar cell (CL0000749)
    Fold Change: -0.0814
    Cell Significance Index: -0.9200
  • Cell Name: pro-T cell (CL0000827)
    Fold Change: -0.0849
    Cell Significance Index: -2.1700
  • Cell Name: Hofbauer cell (CL3000001)
    Fold Change: -0.0932
    Cell Significance Index: -0.7600
  • Cell Name: retinal progenitor cell (CL0002672)
    Fold Change: -0.0950
    Cell Significance Index: -5.3300
  • Cell Name: regular ventricular cardiac myocyte (CL0002131)
    Fold Change: -0.0951
    Cell Significance Index: -1.2200
  • Cell Name: endothelial cell of venule (CL1000414)
    Fold Change: -0.1100
    Cell Significance Index: -1.2500
  • Cell Name: melanocyte of skin (CL1000458)
    Fold Change: -0.1184
    Cell Significance Index: -1.6600
  • Cell Name: smooth muscle cell of sphincter of pupil (CL0002243)
    Fold Change: -0.1342
    Cell Significance Index: -13.9700
  • Cell Name: intestinal epithelial cell (CL0002563)
    Fold Change: -0.1459
    Cell Significance Index: -1.5100
  • Cell Name: CD14-positive, CD16-negative classical monocyte (CL0002057)
    Fold Change: -0.1466
    Cell Significance Index: -2.7100
  • Cell Name: umbrella cell of urothelium (CL4030056)
    Fold Change: -0.1640
    Cell Significance Index: -1.5100
  • Cell Name: kidney loop of Henle descending limb epithelial cell (CL1001021)
    Fold Change: -0.1662
    Cell Significance Index: -13.1600
  • Cell Name: Sertoli cell (CL0000216)
    Fold Change: -0.1761
    Cell Significance Index: -2.4700
  • Cell Name: epidermal cell (CL0000362)
    Fold Change: -0.1774
    Cell Significance Index: -0.4000
  • Cell Name: intestinal tuft cell (CL0019032)
    Fold Change: -0.1992
    Cell Significance Index: -12.2100
  • Cell Name: cardiac muscle cell (CL0000746)
    Fold Change: -0.2374
    Cell Significance Index: -3.5100
  • Cell Name: cerebellar granule cell (CL0001031)
    Fold Change: -0.2381
    Cell Significance Index: -4.0800
  • Cell Name: skeletal muscle fiber (CL0008002)
    Fold Change: -0.2537
    Cell Significance Index: -6.5200
  • Cell Name: fibroblast of mammary gland (CL0002555)
    Fold Change: -0.2606
    Cell Significance Index: -7.4700
  • Cell Name: syncytiotrophoblast cell (CL0000525)
    Fold Change: -0.2769
    Cell Significance Index: -2.6300
  • Cell Name: small intestine goblet cell (CL1000495)
    Fold Change: -0.2891
    Cell Significance Index: -10.1600

Cell ID: Standard Cell Ontology term used for mapping and comparing cells across experiments. Ensures consistency in analyzing cellular functions across tissues.
Fold Change: Represents the ratio of the current Cell Significance Index to the Cell Significance Index Threshold, indicating how much the gene expression has changed compared to a baseline.
Cell Significance Index: Reflects how strongly a gene is expressed in this specific cell.

Cell ID: Standard Cell Ontology term used for mapping and comparing cells across experiments. Ensures consistency in analyzing cellular functions across tissues.
Fold Change: Represents the ratio of the current Cell Significance Index to the Cell Significance Index Threshold, indicating how much the gene expression has changed compared to a baseline.
Cell Significance Index: Reflects how strongly a gene is expressed in this cell type. Calculated using techniques like effect size estimation and bootstrapping for reliability.

Cell ID: Standard Cell Ontology term used for mapping and comparing cells across experiments. Ensures consistency in analyzing cellular functions across tissues.
Fold Change: Represents the ratio of the current Cell Significance Index to the Cell Significance Index Threshold, indicating how much the gene expression has changed compared to a baseline.
Cell Significance Index: Reflects how strongly a gene is expressed in this cell type. Calculated using techniques like effect size estimation and bootstrapping for reliability.

Other Information

**Key Characteristics** 1. **Histone H2B family member**: H2BC21 is a member of the histone H2B family, which consists of four subunits (H2A, H2B, H3, and H4) that form the core of chromatin. 2. **Clustered histone**: H2BC21 is a clustered histone, meaning it is associated with other histone subunits to form a chromatin complex. 3. **Diverse expression**: H2BC21 is expressed in various cell types, including pancreatic A cells, pancreatic acinar cells, enteric neurons, and gut endothelial cells. 4. **Regulated by multiple pathways**: The expression of H2BC21 is regulated by multiple signaling pathways, including those mediated by Notch, Wnt, and Rho GTPases. **Pathways and Functions** 1. **Cell cycle regulation**: H2BC21 is involved in cell cycle regulation, including the assembly of the pre-replicative complex and the regulation of DNA replication. 2. **DNA repair**: H2BC21 is involved in DNA repair processes, including base excision repair, nucleotide excision repair, and homologous recombination. 3. **Epigenetic modifications**: H2BC21 is involved in epigenetic modifications, including DNA methylation, histone acetylation, and histone deacetylation. 4. **Chromatin organization**: H2BC21 plays a role in chromatin organization, including the assembly of nucleosomes and the regulation of chromatin structure. 5. **Transcriptional regulation**: H2BC21 is involved in transcriptional regulation, including the regulation of gene expression and the assembly of the pre-initiation complex. **Clinical Significance** 1. **Cancer**: Aberrant expression of H2BC21 has been linked to various cancers, including pancreatic cancer and colorectal cancer. 2. **Neurological disorders**: H2BC21 has been implicated in neurological disorders, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Alzheimer's disease. 3. **Infectious diseases**: H2BC21 has been shown to play a role in the regulation of immune responses to viral infections, including herpes simplex virus (HSV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). 4. **Developmental disorders**: H2BC21 has been implicated in developmental disorders, including Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorder. In conclusion, the H2BC21 gene plays a crucial role in various cellular processes, including cell cycle regulation, DNA repair, and epigenetic modifications. Its expression is regulated by multiple signaling pathways, and its dysregulation has been linked to various diseases, including cancer, neurological disorders, infectious diseases, and developmental disorders.

Genular Protein ID: 2182216233

Symbol: H2B2E_HUMAN

Name: Histone H2B type 2-E

UniProtKB Accession Codes:

Database IDs:


PubMed ID: 1469070

Title: A human histone H2B.1 variant gene, located on chromosome 1, utilizes alternative 3' end processing.

PubMed ID: 1469070

DOI: 10.1002/jcb.240500406

PubMed ID: 12408966

Title: The human and mouse replication-dependent histone genes.

PubMed ID: 12408966

DOI: 10.1016/s0888-7543(02)96850-3

PubMed ID: 14702039

Title: Complete sequencing and characterization of 21,243 full-length human cDNAs.

PubMed ID: 14702039

DOI: 10.1038/ng1285

PubMed ID: 16710414

Title: The DNA sequence and biological annotation of human chromosome 1.

PubMed ID: 16710414

DOI: 10.1038/nature04727

PubMed ID: 15489334

Title: The status, quality, and expansion of the NIH full-length cDNA project: the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC).

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DOI: 10.1101/gr.2596504

PubMed ID: 11859126

Title: Endotoxin-neutralizing antimicrobial proteins of the human placenta.

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DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.168.5.2356

PubMed ID: 8620898

Title: Biochemical and antibacterial analysis of human wound and blister fluid.

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DOI: 10.1111/j.1432-1033.1996.0086n.x

PubMed ID: 12860195

Title: Antimicrobial peptides in the first line defence of human colon mucosa.

PubMed ID: 12860195

DOI: 10.1016/s0196-9781(03)00114-1

PubMed ID: 15019208

Title: Antimicrobial polypeptides of the human colonic epithelium.

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DOI: 10.1016/j.peptides.2003.07.028

PubMed ID: 16627869

Title: Quantitative proteomic analysis of post-translational modifications of human histones.

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DOI: 10.1074/mcp.m600007-mcp200

PubMed ID: 1993178

Title: Isolation and characterization of a cDNA from a human histone H2B gene which is reciprocally expressed in relation to replication-dependent H2B histone genes during HL60 cell differentiation.

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DOI: 10.1021/bi00220a024

PubMed ID: 12757711

Title: Apoptotic phosphorylation of histone H2B is mediated by mammalian sterile twenty kinase.

PubMed ID: 12757711

DOI: 10.1016/s0092-8674(03)00355-6

PubMed ID: 16307923

Title: Monoubiquitination of human histone H2B: the factors involved and their roles in HOX gene regulation.

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DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2005.09.025

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Title: Inhibition of core histones acetylation by carcinogenic nickel(II).

PubMed ID: 16283522

DOI: 10.1007/s11010-005-8285-1

PubMed ID: 16713563

Title: Histone H2B monoubiquitination functions cooperatively with FACT to regulate elongation by RNA polymerase II.

PubMed ID: 16713563

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2006.04.029

PubMed ID: 16457587

Title: Gene-specific characterization of human histone H2B by electron capture dissociation.

PubMed ID: 16457587

DOI: 10.1021/pr050268v

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Title: Identification of 67 histone marks and histone lysine crotonylation as a new type of histone modification.

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DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2011.08.008

PubMed ID: 21726816

Title: The RING finger protein MSL2 in the MOF complex is an E3 ubiquitin ligase for H2B K34 and is involved in crosstalk with H3 K4 and K79 methylation.

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Title: Lysine succinylation and lysine malonylation in histones.

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DOI: 10.1074/mcp.m111.015875

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Title: USP49 deubiquitinates histone H2B and regulates cotranscriptional pre-mRNA splicing.

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PubMed ID: 24681537

Title: Lysine 2-hydroxyisobutyrylation is a widely distributed active histone mark.

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Title: Dynamic competing histone H4 K5K8 acetylation and butyrylation are hallmarks of highly active gene promoters.

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Title: Metabolic regulation of gene expression by histone lysine beta-hydroxybutyrylation.

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Title: Serine ADP-ribosylation marks nucleosomes for ALC1-dependent chromatin remodeling.

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DOI: 10.7554/elife.71502

Sequence Information:

  • Length: 126
  • Mass: 13920
  • Checksum: 0410A881ABBE6647
  • Sequence:

Database document:

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